Repairs and Maintenance
Dudley Home Improvement Service - Dudley MBC
Dudley Home Improvement Service - We provide an Adaptations and Emergency Repairs service to enable...
Fix A Home Scheme - Dudley MBC
Dudley Trading Standards run an approved trader scheme called the Fix-A-Home Scheme. It is a list of...
Repairs Management Centre - Dudley MBC
It is the Council’s responsibility to maintain its property to a decent standard, however some...
Dudley Home Improvement Service - Dudley MBC
Dudley Home Improvement Service - We provide an Adaptations and Emergency Repairs service to enable...
Fix A Home Scheme - Dudley MBC
Dudley Trading Standards run an approved trader scheme called the Fix-A-Home Scheme. It is a list of...
Repairs Management Centre - Dudley MBC
It is the Council’s responsibility to maintain its property to a decent standard, however some...
Dudley Home Improvement Service - Dudley MBC
Dudley Home Improvement Service - We provide an Adaptations and Emergency Repairs service to enable...
Fix A Home Scheme - Dudley MBC
Dudley Trading Standards run an approved trader scheme called the Fix-A-Home Scheme. It is a list of...
Repairs Management Centre - Dudley MBC
It is the Council’s responsibility to maintain its property to a decent standard, however some...