Age UK Birmingham - Stepping Out Foot Care Service
Stepping Out helps to keep people mobile and maintain their independence by providing a basic foot care service. The service is provided in partnership with Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group and Dudley NHS Podiatry Service, through our trained staff and volunteers.
Stepping Out helps to keep people mobile and maintain their independence by providing a basic foot care service. The service is provided in partnership with Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group and Dudley NHS Podiatry Service, through our trained staff and volunteers.
How to Find Us
Times & Dates
Session Details:
Days of the week:
Time of Day:
Costs and Booking Information
Booking Required?
Group Information
All of Dudley Borough
Target Audiences:
Older People
Suitable for ages:
Age 60+
Parking available
Eligibility Notes:
Who can use Stepping Out?
We provide toe nail cutting and filing of hard skin to people who are:
aged 60 or above
registered with a Dudley GP
not eligible for NHS Podiatry Services
have difficulty looking after their own feet
Referral Notes:
We accept self-referrals or referrals by NHS Podiatrists and GPs. An initial assessment is carried out before any treatment is given to ensure suitability for the service. Service users are provided with a personal nailcare kit which they bring to each appointment.

Service Information
Help at home, Keeping Well, Ageing Well
Eligibility Requirements?
Links for Information
Last updated 6th Feb 2025