Dudley is an inclusive authority, so for the majority of children with SEN, including those supported with an Education Health Care plan (EHCP), the local school will be able to meet identified needs.
Getting the right support in school or college is very important for all children and young people so that they can prepare for their life as an adult. Preparing for adulthood (PFA) outcomes support children and young people with SEND from the earliest years to have equal life chances across the four areas of:
- Education and employment
- Independent living
- Friendships, relationships and community inclusion
- Maintaining good health
For children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) this will mean that they will need more help than others while they are in school or college. Mainstream early years providers, schools and colleges will be able to adapt their practice and provide targeted intervention so that most children and young people with SEND can achieve their potential.
Some children and young people will require more specialist help and support and may require an EHCP in order to access a mainstream setting. For a small number of children a mainstream setting might not be the most appropriate placement to meet their special educational needs, and a more specialist placement will be required.
Alder Coppice Primary School
Alder Coppice Primary School is a foundation primary school. Age range 3-11 years.
Amblecote Primary School
Amblecote Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age ran...
Ashwood Park Primary School
Ashwood Park Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age range
Beacon Hill Academy
Beacon Hill Academy is a secondary school as part of Dudley Academies Trust, sponsored by Dudle
Beechwood Church of England Primary School
Beechwood Church of England Primary School previously The CE Primary School of St Edmund and St...
Belle Vue Primary and Nursery School
Belle Vue Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Ag...
Bethel Chapel - Little Lambs Pre-School Centre
Little Lambs Pre-School Centre is a high quality 55 place private Pre-School operating in a purpose...
Bishop Milner Catholic College
Bishop Milner Catholic College is an academy secondary school. Age range 11-18 years. (Includin...
Related pages
Dudley Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision Framework (OAIP)
This guidance is designed to help education professionals in all settings identify, plan for and meet the needs of children and young people (CYP) who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and require reasonable adjustments or additionality at the SEN Support stage, in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years, 2015 (CoP). It highlights the vital importance of high-quality teaching and learning in the context of inclusive pedagogy for all CYP, as the basis for meeting the range of needs within a mainstream setting.
Information on Schools
Education, Health and Care Plans
Education health care needs assessment
Preparing to start reception class at primary school - children with SEND
Transition – help with getting children with SEND ready for school
SEN support
I’m concerned about my child’s progress
SEND Code of Practice
Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from 1 September 2014.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Speech and Language Centre and Educational Outreach Team
What is a school SEN information report?
SEN information report
Alder Coppice Primary School
Alder Coppice Primary School is a foundation primary school. Age range 3-11 years.
Amblecote Primary School
Amblecote Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age ran...
Ashwood Park Primary School
Ashwood Park Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age range
Beacon Hill Academy
Beacon Hill Academy is a secondary school as part of Dudley Academies Trust, sponsored by Dudle
Beechwood Church of England Primary School
Beechwood Church of England Primary School previously The CE Primary School of St Edmund and St...
Belle Vue Primary and Nursery School
Belle Vue Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Ag...
Bethel Chapel - Little Lambs Pre-School Centre
Little Lambs Pre-School Centre is a high quality 55 place private Pre-School operating in a purpose...
Bishop Milner Catholic College
Bishop Milner Catholic College is an academy secondary school. Age range 11-18 years. (Includin...
Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology
Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology is an educational provider with a dedicated centre...
Blanford Mere Primary School
Blanford Mere Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age rang...
Alder Coppice Primary School
Alder Coppice Primary School is a foundation primary school. Age range 3-11 years.
Amblecote Primary School
Amblecote Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age ran...
Ashwood Park Primary School
Ashwood Park Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age range
Beacon Hill Academy
Beacon Hill Academy is a secondary school as part of Dudley Academies Trust, sponsored by Dudle
Beechwood Church of England Primary School
Beechwood Church of England Primary School previously The CE Primary School of St Edmund and St...
Belle Vue Primary and Nursery School
Belle Vue Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Ag...
Bethel Chapel - Little Lambs Pre-School Centre
Little Lambs Pre-School Centre is a high quality 55 place private Pre-School operating in a purpose...
Bishop Milner Catholic College
Bishop Milner Catholic College is an academy secondary school. Age range 11-18 years. (Includin...
Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology
Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology is an educational provider with a dedicated centre...
Blanford Mere Primary School
Blanford Mere Primary School is a Local Authority (LA) controlled community primary school. Age rang...