The Visual Impairment Service provides advice, information and specialist equipment for students with a visual impairment and staff in further education (FE).

The Visual Impairment Service consists of Qualified Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Habilitation Specialist (mobility and independence training), Specialist ICT and Specialist Resources Technician.

What is visual impairment?

A condition that cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lenses and which may have an impact on the child's development and/or learning.

What do we do ?

The following is subject to an agreed contract between the Visual Impairment Service and the post 16 provider.

  • Advise and give information to students and staff in post 16 settings (6th form and further education colleges) e.g. visual conditions, teaching strategies, risk assessments, environmental audits, modification of resources, access arrangements for examinations, transition to higher education.
  •  Students with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be able to access support if attending 6th form or further education colleges, traineeships, supported internships and apprenticeship schemes.
  • Ongoing assessment of functional vision.
  •  Support and advice on the loan and use of specialist equipment and training in the use of low vision devices such as magnifiers and electronic video magnifiers.
  •  Prepare and provide enlarged/modified learning materials, Braille/Moon/tactile materials, auditory resources.
  •  Deliver training about raising awareness of visual impairment.
  •  Promote independence by providing training in mobility skills and daily living skill’s programmes.
  •  Collaborative work with families, professionals and other agencies such as health and social care.
  •  Attend and contribute to statutory assessment and EHCP annual reviews.

Who do we see?
  •   Students who reside within the Dudley Borough, who have attended a Dudley school and received support from the Visual Impairment Service (from the point of referral to Year 11 mainstream school and Year 13 special school) where they are transitioning to a Dudley FE setting.
  •  Students who reside within the Dudley Borough and attend FE in Sandwell, Birmingham, Walsall, Worcestershire, and Wolverhampton. There is also the option of the student receiving support from a QTVI within that Local Authority. The FE provision has a responsibility to commission the service required.
  • Students who do not reside within the Dudley Borough but have been supported throughout their education by Dudley Visual Impairment Service in a Dudley school
Where will they be seen?
  • Support is offered within sixth form and further education settings (colleges).
How can I make a referral?
  • We have an open referral system. Referrals can be made by students, parents/carers, staff, medical professionals such as Consultant Ophthalmologists.

Referral form

What happens next?
  • On receipt of a signed referral form you will be contacted by a Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired within one week and up to four weeks for a functional vision assessment. 
Further information

For further information please contact:

Judy Lewis

Telephone number: 01384 818003

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