Tax Free Childcare Reminder for Families
HM Revenue and Customs are reminding families that they can save up to £2,000 a year on childcare costs with Tax-Free Childcare.
Tax-Free Childcare can help working families pay for any approved childcare for children aged 11 or under, or 16 if the child has a disability – whether the child goes to nursery, a childminder, attends breakfast or after school club, has holiday care or goes to an out-of-school activity.
For every £8 paid into an online account, families will automatically receive an additional £2 from the government. Parents can receive up to £500 every 3 months (£2,000 a year), or £1,000 (£4,000 a year) if their child is disabled.
Opening a Tax-Free Childcare account is simple and takes around 20 minutes. Money can be deposited at any time and can be used straight away, or whenever it is needed. Unused money in the account can be withdrawn at any time.
More information about Tax-Free Childcare and how to register can be found linked below. Councils are encouraged to share this information as appropriate.
More information and registration details: