Voiceability Dudley Adults Advocacy

Voiceability Dudley Adults Advocacy
vanessa Biddulph
Helpline 0330 303 1660
VoiceAbility, c/o Sayer Vincent, 110 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TG
We want to deliver the best possible quality of support to people so they are heard, respected, safe and in control of their own life.
Our aim
We believe everyone has a right to
be heard and respected
have the same choice, control, and freedom as any other person
be safe from violence, discrimination, harm or abuse
Everything we do is focused on achieving this aim.
Our vision
We will
deliver the best possible quality of support
be the provider of choice for the services we offer
be the source of authority for expert insight on voice and rights
be the place to work or volunteer with, for anyone who shares our aims
Our strategy
What we’re doing to achieve our vision between now and 2025.
1. Diversify the services we offer
Advocacy is crucial but not the only tool people need to be heard and have their rights respected, so we’ll widen the range of services we offer that help achieve the same goal.
2. Improve our organisational capability
To do this we will focus on 5 areas
1. value our people - create an even more positive working culture and clearer opportunities for staff development and progression
2. build the basics - increase clarity and consistency across all our standards, policies, systems and processes whilst maintaining person centred service delivery to individuals
3. drive quality - improve our ability to evidence our impact and outcomes
4. lead the market - reflect the high quality of our services in how we look and speak as an organisation and in the digital tools we offer
5. grow authority - continue to ensure that people’s voices are heard and their rights respected in local and national policy decisions
Our values
1. Passionate
We’re dedicated to strengthening voice, supporting rights and changing lives.
Because we are passionate we:
are committed to delivering high quality support
make what we offer accessible to all
work with policy-makers to safeguard and strengthen people’s rights
2. Empowering
We enable people to live life to the full.
Because we are empowering we:
support people to speak up for themselves and grow in confidence
equip people to understand and exercise their rights
treat people as individuals with their own unique strengths
3. Collaborative
We listen and shape decisions with others.
Because we are collaborative we:
involve people we support in shaping our organisation and what we do
are easy to talk to, considerate and constructive
ask for and respond to feedback so that we can improve
4. Honest
We work with integrity and we stick to our principles.
Because we are honest we
mean what we say and do what we promise
make everything clear and transparent
maintain independence, confidentiality and professionalism
5. Resourceful
We think ahead and find effective ways to achieve our mission.
Because we are resourceful we
focus on solutions
try out new ideas
achieve the most we can with the resources we have
We want to deliver the best possible quality of support to people so they are heard, respected, safe and in control of their own life.
Our aim
We believe everyone has a right to
be heard and respected
have the same choice, control, and freedom as any other person
be safe from violence, discrimination, harm or abuse
Everything we do is focused on achieving this aim.
Our vision
We will
deliver the best possible quality of support
be the provider of choice for the services we offer
be the source of authority for expert insight on voice and rights
be the place to work or volunteer with, for anyone who shares our aims
Our strategy
What we’re doing to achieve our vision between now and 2025.
1. Diversify the services we offer
Advocacy is crucial but not the only tool people need to be heard and have their rights respected, so we’ll widen the range of services we offer that help achieve the same goal.
2. Improve our organisational capability
To do this we will focus on 5 areas
1. value our people - create an even more positive working culture and clearer opportunities for staff development and progression
2. build the basics - increase clarity and consistency across all our standards, policies, systems and processes whilst maintaining person centred service delivery to individuals
3. drive quality - improve our ability to evidence our impact and outcomes
4. lead the market - reflect the high quality of our services in how we look and speak as an organisation and in the digital tools we offer
5. grow authority - continue to ensure that people’s voices are heard and their rights respected in local and national policy decisions
Our values
1. Passionate
We’re dedicated to strengthening voice, supporting rights and changing lives.
Because we are passionate we:
are committed to delivering high quality support
make what we offer accessible to all
work with policy-makers to safeguard and strengthen people’s rights
2. Empowering
We enable people to live life to the full.
Because we are empowering we:
support people to speak up for themselves and grow in confidence
equip people to understand and exercise their rights
treat people as individuals with their own unique strengths
3. Collaborative
We listen and shape decisions with others.
Because we are collaborative we:
involve people we support in shaping our organisation and what we do
are easy to talk to, considerate and constructive
ask for and respond to feedback so that we can improve
4. Honest
We work with integrity and we stick to our principles.
Because we are honest we
mean what we say and do what we promise
make everything clear and transparent
maintain independence, confidentiality and professionalism
5. Resourceful
We think ahead and find effective ways to achieve our mission.
Because we are resourceful we
focus on solutions
try out new ideas
achieve the most we can with the resources we have
How to Find Us
Times & Dates
Session Details:
Days of the week:
Time of Day:
Group Information
All of Dudley Borough
Target Audiences:
Older People, Adults
Support Groups:
Mental health conditions, Autism, Dementia, Physical disability, Visual disability, Hearing disability, Communication disability, Learning disability
We provide the following statutory advocacy services in Dudley for adults:
Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) - for clients deprived of their liberty under DOLS. When a DoLS authorisation is in place and there is no suitable RPR, an advocate can take on the role of RPR.
Professional referral only (DOLS office).
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) - for clients detained under an order of the Mental Health Act, in hospital, or in the Community (Includes Community treatment Orders and Guardianship orders, forensic sections). Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) support people with issues relating to their care and treatment when they have been detained (sectioned) under the Mental Health Act. They also help people understand their rights under the Mental Health Act.
Referrals accepted from client, professionals or family.
Care Act Advocacy - Independent Care Act advocates support people to understand their rights under the Care Act and to be fully involved in decisions about any care and support they need. This includes local authority assessments, care reviews, care and support planning and safeguarding processes.
Referral from Social Worker only.
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) - Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) support people who lack capacity to make decisions about their long term accommodation or serious medical treatment and who do not have any friends or family appropriate to consult.
Referral from MCA decision maker only/professional only.
NHS complaints advocacy - to support citizens of Dudley with the NHS Complaints process, covers all NHS services in Dudley. NHS complaints advocates support people to complain about the treatment or care that they or a friend or family member have received from an NHS service. This support is available at every stage of the complaints process.
Referrals accepted from client, professionals or family - open to all users of NHS.
For more details, or to make a referral: https://www.voiceability.org/support-and-help/services-by-location/dudley-2
Eligibility Notes:
Referral Notes:
To make a referral to the service please use the following:
Online referral: https://www.voiceability.org/make-a-referral
Tel 0300 303 1660
Email helpline@voiceability.org
Website voiceability.org/referral

vanessa Biddulph
Helpline 0330 303 1660
VoiceAbility, c/o Sayer Vincent, 110 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TG
Service Information
Advocacy, Mental Health Support
Referral Required?
Eligibility Requirements?
Links for Information
Last updated 2nd Jul 2024