Priory Park Community School

Priory Park Community School
Schools and colleges
01384 813640
Priory Park Community School
Meadow Road, DUDLEY, West Midlands, DY1 3JY
Priory Park Community School is an alternative provision independent school in the Wren’s Nest area of Dudley to provide support for young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties or who are at significant risk of permanent exclusion from mainstream school.
The community focused school is unique to the borough, offering a broad and balanced core curriculum but also focusing on mentoring through sporting activities. This is delivered through a strong partnership with Priory Park Boxing Club and outdoor education, making use of the Wren’s Nest Nature Reserve, a geological Site of Special Scientific Interest and one of the most important geological locations in Britain. Wren’s Nest is also a Local Nature Reserve, a National Nature Reserve (NNR) and Scheduled Ancient Monument, so lends itself perfectly to cross curricular learning. The school offers a warm, welcoming environment and encourage high parental engagement.
Priory Park Community School is an alternative provision independent school in the Wren’s Nest area of Dudley to provide support for young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties or who are at significant risk of permanent exclusion from mainstream school.
The community focused school is unique to the borough, offering a broad and balanced core curriculum but also focusing on mentoring through sporting activities. This is delivered through a strong partnership with Priory Park Boxing Club and outdoor education, making use of the Wren’s Nest Nature Reserve, a geological Site of Special Scientific Interest and one of the most important geological locations in Britain. Wren’s Nest is also a Local Nature Reserve, a National Nature Reserve (NNR) and Scheduled Ancient Monument, so lends itself perfectly to cross curricular learning. The school offers a warm, welcoming environment and encourage high parental engagement.
How to Find Us
Times & Dates
Days of the week:
Time of Day:
Group Information
All of Dudley Borough, Dudley Central
Target Audiences:
Young People, Children
Support Groups:
Mental health conditions, Learning disability
Toilet facilities
Eligibility Notes:
PPCS accepts young people with or without an Education Health and Care Plan. If you would like to refer a child with an EHCP, then please contact Dudley’s SEN Team: Tel: 01384 814360
All EHCP consultations should be sent to, however we are currently only accepting consultations from Dudley SEN Team.
Schools can also refer young people to PPCS. If you would like to refer a child without an EHCP to Priory Park Community School then please contact the school office: Tel: 01384 813640 Email
Referral Notes:
The iCan Programme provides a complete intervention for young people at risk of offending or those at risk of school exclusion. Young people can access the iCan programme by being referred to by their school, by Dudley MBC’s Inclusion Panel, Dudley Youth Offending Team or the West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit (WMVRU).
In most cases the programme will last for a minimum of 12 weeks (one school term) but could be extended for young people requiring further intervention. Young people can start the programme at any point during the school year. The programme is full time during the day as education will be provided by Priory Park Community School, with opportunities for additional hours at the boxing club for young people who wish to continue. If needed an Education Health and Care Plan can be completed for a young person on the programme by our qualified Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinators which has the capacity to support the young person till the age of 25.
The programme consists of the following elements:
- Delivery and completion of The West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit’s Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) programme. This will be fully embedded into the curriculum delivered at Priory Park Community School
- Delivery and completion of the Police Clubs Olympic Boxing Contender AM-Box programme at Priory Park Amateur Boxing Club
- Therapeutic interventions and mentoring by qualified staff at both settings
- The continuation of key stage 3 and 4 curriculum and qualifications throughout the programme
- Enrolment on the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme
- Out of school (evening / weekend) support and intervention from Priory Park Boxing Club.
- Parental support and workshops from partners of Priory Park Community School
- Mentoring Young People course through developing youth practice and the theory-based approach of William Glasser-Choice Theory, looking at basic needs, building positive relationships, behaviour, perceptions and developing conversations.

Priory Park Community School
01384 813640
Priory Park Community School
Meadow Road, DUDLEY, West Midlands, DY1 3JY
Service Information
Schools and colleges
Referral Required?
Eligibility Requirements?
Links for Information
Priory Park Community School
Priory Park Community School YouTube
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Last updated 12th Apr 2024