Just Straight Talk - Help and Support for people to encourage and empower you to lead better lives!

Just Straight Talk - Help and Support for people to encourage and empower you to lead better lives!
Support to get a job
Kate Beale
01902 256744
07947 097628
Just Straight Talk
Job Title:
Project Manager
Just Straight Talk, The Hub, 30 Ebenezer Street, Coseley, BILSTON, West Midlands, WV14 9LJ
Just Straight Talk supports people across the communities in Dudley with the practical support and motivation to help turn their lives around.
Do you need help finding a new direction? Here at JST, we can help to make life easier by assisting with your short, medium and long-term goals, from accommodation and well-being to employment, training, digital skills and tackling loneliness and isolation.
The project is tailored to all different types of individuals, dependent on their past and future needs. The project hosts a range of interventions to equip you with the skills to get through life's challenges.
Such as -
Support to reduce loneliness and isolation
Help to contact a range of local employers
Support with work experience placements and references
Help with self-confidence
Help to access grants
Help to reduce bills
Help with digital skills and confidence
Loan Device scheme
Help completing application forms
Interview techniques
Career options and advice
Completing CVs - Employability - Job searching
Information, advice and guidance on a range of things, including training and education
Learn new skills and techniques to enhance your lifestyle
Age 16 - no upper age limit - Up to older and pensionable age
Just Straight Talk is a Safe Places Venue.
Just Straight Talk supports people across the communities in Dudley with the practical support and motivation to help turn their lives around.
Do you need help finding a new direction? Here at JST, we can help to make life easier by assisting with your short, medium and long-term goals, from accommodation and well-being to employment, training, digital skills and tackling loneliness and isolation.
The project is tailored to all different types of individuals, dependent on their past and future needs. The project hosts a range of interventions to equip you with the skills to get through life's challenges.
Such as -
Support to reduce loneliness and isolation
Help to contact a range of local employers
Support with work experience placements and references
Help with self-confidence
Help to access grants
Help to reduce bills
Help with digital skills and confidence
Loan Device scheme
Help completing application forms
Interview techniques
Career options and advice
Completing CVs - Employability - Job searching
Information, advice and guidance on a range of things, including training and education
Learn new skills and techniques to enhance your lifestyle
Age 16 - no upper age limit - Up to older and pensionable age
Just Straight Talk is a Safe Places Venue.
How to Find Us
Just Straight Talk,
The Hub,
30 Ebenezer Street,
West Midlands,
WV14 9LJ
Times & Dates
Session Details:
Days of the week:
Time of Day:
Group Information
All of Dudley Borough
Target Audiences:
Older People, Adults, Young People, Carers
Suitable for ages:
Support Groups:
Mental health conditions
Parking available, Toilet facilities, Wheelchair accessible
Support with tablet loan scheme and the confidence and skills to use them.
Support for Carers
Support with poverty
Referral Notes:

Kate Beale
01902 256744
Just Straight Talk
07947 097628
Job Title:
Project Manager
Just Straight Talk, The Hub, 30 Ebenezer Street, Coseley, BILSTON, West Midlands, WV14 9LJ
Community Information Point
Community Information Point:
Has a trained Information Point Champion:
Public Information Point:
Telephone/Email Support Point:

Service Information
Support to get a job, Volunteers, Advocacy, Safe Places Scheme, Community Information Points
Referral Required?
Safe Place:

Links for Information
Last updated 5th Feb 2025