Friends of Hurst Green Park

Friends of Hurst Green Park
Hilary Bills
0121 422 2752
07713 636002
Job Title:
The Friends of Hurst Green Park are an active group who work with Dudley Council to maintain and develop the park. In recent years we have extended the children's play area with new equipment suitable for everyone. We now have an adult gym and many visitors use the equipment along with a run round the park boundary which is approximately half a mile.
Most recent addition is the cycle Street Scene painted on the play ground. Children of all ages love following the road markings, stopping at the zebra crossings to let others cross and drawing new buildings in chalk on the streets. Those with disabilities use their walking frames and wheelchairs to follow the lines, skate boarders, scooters, pushing doll's prams all take place on the Street Scene.
The Millennium wood was being throttled by brambles and undergrowth but through regular working parties the wood is now open to walkers to enjoy all the hidden trees. We hold events in the wood including coppicing, wildflower planting, bramble clearance, sensory walks and butterfly counts.
A major development was the recovery of Fisher Pool (or Vinegar Pond) which was heavily overgrown. Now it is developing into an area of natural beauty and bio-diversity.
The Friends have also made the entrance to the park more inviting with an information board, planters and the planting of perennial borders.
The Friends have their meetings in Margaret Vine Court which is a sheltered housing complex. Many of the residents join us for meetings and socials. During the pandemic we have continued to meet with open air meetings...all socially distanced. Anyone interested in joining us look for volunteers in hi-viz vests from 10.30am on a Sunday morning.
Football is not recommended all year round for the park field because it is clay but it is ideal for Stourbridge Baseball Team who use the field as their home base. A great addition to the park.
The Friends of Hurst Green Park are an active group who work with Dudley Council to maintain and develop the park. In recent years we have extended the children's play area with new equipment suitable for everyone. We now have an adult gym and many visitors use the equipment along with a run round the park boundary which is approximately half a mile.
Most recent addition is the cycle Street Scene painted on the play ground. Children of all ages love following the road markings, stopping at the zebra crossings to let others cross and drawing new buildings in chalk on the streets. Those with disabilities use their walking frames and wheelchairs to follow the lines, skate boarders, scooters, pushing doll's prams all take place on the Street Scene.
The Millennium wood was being throttled by brambles and undergrowth but through regular working parties the wood is now open to walkers to enjoy all the hidden trees. We hold events in the wood including coppicing, wildflower planting, bramble clearance, sensory walks and butterfly counts.
A major development was the recovery of Fisher Pool (or Vinegar Pond) which was heavily overgrown. Now it is developing into an area of natural beauty and bio-diversity.
The Friends have also made the entrance to the park more inviting with an information board, planters and the planting of perennial borders.
The Friends have their meetings in Margaret Vine Court which is a sheltered housing complex. Many of the residents join us for meetings and socials. During the pandemic we have continued to meet with open air meetings...all socially distanced. Anyone interested in joining us look for volunteers in hi-viz vests from 10.30am on a Sunday morning.
Football is not recommended all year round for the park field because it is clay but it is ideal for Stourbridge Baseball Team who use the field as their home base. A great addition to the park.
How to Find Us
Times & Dates
Session Details:
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Time of Day:
Group Information
Parking available, Wheelchair accessible, Disabled Parking

Hilary Bills
0121 422 2752
07713 636002
Job Title:
Service Information
Communities, Parks and Open Spaces
Links for Information
Last updated 25th Jul 2024