Dementia Gateway Service: The Crystal Gateway Dementia Day Centre - Dudley MBC

Dementia Gateway Service: The Crystal Gateway Dementia Day Centre - Dudley MBC
Dudley MBC Services
01384 813315
Dementia Gateways - Dudley MBC
Brettell Lane, Amblecote, STOURBRIDGE, West Midlands, DY8 4BN
The Crystal Gateway is a Dementia Centre and Hub supporting the Dementia Community in Dudley.
Daily 'Open Sessions' are available Monday to Friday providing activities, social interaction and peer support for people living with a formal diagnosis of Dementia and their carers.
Both the person with dementia and their carer can join in with a range of weekly activities at the Crystal Gateway Monday to Friday 10am-12pm.
These activities include:
Mondays: 'Dementia Cafe'
Tuesdays: Dementia Choir'
Wednesdays: 'Big Band' music Group and the 'Magic Table' digital therapy activity
Thursdays: 'Song & Smile' singing Group and the 'Crystal Quiz'
Fridays: 'Art Group' and 'Knit & Natter' craft Group
Where needed, formal, paid for sessions for people with Dementia are available. This can include Daytime Respite sessions / beneficial activity sessions, either in the Dementia Caentre, or alternatively in a person's own home. These formal sessions are accessed through a social care assessment from a social worker or from the Dementia Advisor Service
You can contact The Crystal Gateway by calling 01384 813315 or emailing for more information
Also please check our New Facebook page for forthcoming activities and events at The Crystal Gateway open to those living with dementia and their Carers.
Please search for ‘Dudley Dementia Gateway’ on Facebook to ‘Like’ and follow our page.
The Crystal Gateway is a Dementia Centre and Hub supporting the Dementia Community in Dudley.
Daily 'Open Sessions' are available Monday to Friday providing activities, social interaction and peer support for people living with a formal diagnosis of Dementia and their carers.
Both the person with dementia and their carer can join in with a range of weekly activities at the Crystal Gateway Monday to Friday 10am-12pm.
These activities include:
Mondays: 'Dementia Cafe'
Tuesdays: Dementia Choir'
Wednesdays: 'Big Band' music Group and the 'Magic Table' digital therapy activity
Thursdays: 'Song & Smile' singing Group and the 'Crystal Quiz'
Fridays: 'Art Group' and 'Knit & Natter' craft Group
Where needed, formal, paid for sessions for people with Dementia are available. This can include Daytime Respite sessions / beneficial activity sessions, either in the Dementia Caentre, or alternatively in a person's own home. These formal sessions are accessed through a social care assessment from a social worker or from the Dementia Advisor Service
You can contact The Crystal Gateway by calling 01384 813315 or emailing for more information
Also please check our New Facebook page for forthcoming activities and events at The Crystal Gateway open to those living with dementia and their Carers.
Please search for ‘Dudley Dementia Gateway’ on Facebook to ‘Like’ and follow our page.
How to Find Us
Times & Dates
Session Details:
Days of the week:
Time of Day:
Group Information
All of Dudley Borough, Stourbridge
Target Audiences:
Older People, Adults, Carers
Support Groups:
Toilet facilities, Wheelchair accessible, Disabled toilet, Disabled Parking
Eligibility Notes:
Referral Notes:

The Crystal Gateway,
01384 813315
Dementia Gateways - Dudley MBC
Brettell Lane, Amblecote, STOURBRIDGE, West Midlands, DY8 4BN
Community Information Point
Public Information Point:
Service Information
Dudley MBC Services, Day Support/evening support, Dementia friendly communities, Dementia Support
Referral Required?
Eligibility Requirements?
Links for Information
Dementia Gateways - Dudley MBC
Dementia Gateway Service
Last updated 15th Nov 2024