HOPE SEND Study - Cambridge University Participation Required
Health Outcomes for young People throughout Education (HOPE) Study at the University of Cambridge, aim to explore any differences in the extra support received by children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) across England.
They are running three national surveys which aim to explore and highlight any variations in SEND identification and provision across all Local Authorities in England.
They are asking the following groups to share their experiences of SEND support in their local area:
1. Children and young people with SEND (aged 11-27)
2. Parents/Carers of children and young people with SEND
3. SEND professionals in or working closely with education/health/social care
The information from these surveys will be used to help improve SEND provision for children and young people in the future.
The surveys are open until the 30th September
Link: https://redcap.link/HOPEsurvey
If you would like any further information about the Survey or the HOPE Study please email the team at hope21@medschl.cam.ac.uk