Advice and information
Winter Warmth Support Service - Dudley MBC
Keeping warm, at home is really important as cold weather can make some health problems worse, espec...
Wolverhampton Combined Court Centre
Wolverhampton Combined Court Centre deals with the following cases:- adoption, bankruptcy,...
Related pages
Communication, Interaction, Physical and Sensory (CIPS) Advisory Service
providing high quality specialist teaching, advice and support to settings
Dudley Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS)
Dudley CAMHS is a specialist mental health service, commissioned to provide interventions to those children, young people and their families who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties.
Dudley Local Area SEND Self Evaluation (SEF)
Dudley Local Area SEND Self Evaluation (Framework) SEF provides an overview of the work that is being delivered across the Local Area including key areas of strength and areas of development.
Dudley SEND E-Bulletin
The Dudley Special Educational Needs and Disabilities e- bulletin’s aim is to keep parent carers, education settings and stakeholders informed about Dudley’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement Programme as well as news and events.
Personal Budgets
A personal budget is an allocation of money that you use to pay for the care and support needs
SEND Code of Practice
Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from 1 September 2014.
The Area SEND inspection framework
The new SEND inspection framework was published last year. Each local area will be jointly inspected by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission at least once every 5 years.
Winter Warmth Support Service - Dudley MBC
Keeping warm, at home is really important as cold weather can make some health problems worse, espec...
Wolverhampton Combined Court Centre
Wolverhampton Combined Court Centre deals with the following cases:- adoption, bankruptcy,...
Wordsley Library
Wordsley library is a branch library within Dudley libraries. Our libraries offer a wide range of se...

Community Information Point

Safe Place
Your Home, Your Forum
Your Home, Your ForumWorking together to improve our communitiesIn Dudley we have a strong history o...
Winter Warmth Support Service - Dudley MBC
Keeping warm, at home is really important as cold weather can make some health problems worse, espec...
Wolverhampton Combined Court Centre
Wolverhampton Combined Court Centre deals with the following cases:- adoption, bankruptcy,...
Wordsley Library
Wordsley library is a branch library within Dudley libraries. Our libraries offer a wide range of se...

Community Information Point

Safe Place
Your Home, Your Forum
Your Home, Your ForumWorking together to improve our communitiesIn Dudley we have a strong history o...